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126 Grant Ave
Vandergrift PA 15690.



Frequently Asked Questions

What does your typical customer look like?

No customer is too big or too small. That being said smaller customers may only
take a few weeks to gather, review and present options for consideration. Larger
companies may take a month or so and those really large customers could be up to a year depending on the scope of the project being analyzed.

How much will these consulting services cost?

To be honest, each engagement is different.  First – I never charge for the first hour or two of any engagement if done remotely.  Second, if you are a non-profit organization there is no charge for the review and solutions development portion of any project.  Smaller customers with one or two locations also fall into this category.  As the size and complexity of a customer grows so does the amount of effort.  I must tell you that in 90% of my engagements, I save the client much more than they pay me for my services.  They reduce costs, upgrade technologies and improve the overall efficiencies of their organization.

What determines the solutions that you recommend for your customers?

I never recommend solutions as I could never know as much about the customers environment than the customer themselves, instead I try to place myself in my customers shoes and assist them in gathering all of the information necessary to make an informed decision for themselves.

What does a typical engagement involve?

My engagements are really short-term and some-times long term relationships.  As in most relationships the first few weeks are spent getting to know each other by gathering invoices, discussing perceived problems or shortcomings of current systems, creating a list of  “It would be nice if we could do ???”.  Then comes the investigation of possible solutions that would satisfy those needs along with educating the customer on what those new services may look like and how they could improve the overall business.  Now comes the hard part developing several solution types with their costs and also the savings that come along with them.  I try to make sure that all the decision makers understand the possibilities and work with them to choose a solution and to build a 5 year technology vision.  Lastly I assist them with carrier and vendor negotiations and if they desire work with them as part of the project implementation plan. Final steps which many times are overlooked is working with the customer to issue disconnect orders for displaced services and following up over the next couple of months to make sure that the bills reflect those disconnects.